Escort work attracts not only earnings, but also the opportunity to meet interesting and influential people, to see new places, to plunge into the world of luxury and high society. If you have the appropriate external data, charisma and sense of tact - you can try yourself in escorting, dramatically improving the quality of life - your own and your family. For example, a year of fruitful work in an elite escort allows girls to get their own housing, an expensive car and a circle of irreplaceable in life acquaintances. The main thing is to make the right choice: to work in a domestic escort or a foreign one. Let's look at the differences.
In which country can you earn more?
Because of the high demands placed on escorts, their earnings are high. However, wages even in Europe vary greatly from country to country, all other things being equal. Women working in Switzerland earn the most. Iceland and Norway are in second place, with Poland in third place. In money, the European earnings of female escorts range from 1000-4000$ per meeting. In Russia - 1500-5000$ per meeting.
What kind of escort in Russia?
The main clients of escort girls in Russia are businessmen and politicians whose age is slightly over forty. It is interesting that in our country younger men rarely resort to escort services, preferring to get to know girls on their own.
Pros of working as an escort in Russia:
No language barrier
Understanding of the legislation governing this area
Same mentality
Possibility to combine escort services, for example, with studies
Affordable prices for beauty segment services, massages, fitness and other procedures a girl resorts to in order to ensure her irresistibility.
Minuses of working as an escort in Russia:
There is still the risk of meeting someone you know "on the job"
Income level is lower than abroad
High level of competition
What kind of escort abroad
Most often the services of escorts abroad are used by businessmen travelling on business. The average age is between 30 and 55. Families or women with whom they have established permanent relationships are far away. At the same time, at a business dinner, exhibition or other event, you do not want to make a nuisance of yourself or be bored alone.
The pros of working as an escort abroad:
Possibility of higher earnings (hourly rate)
Generous tips
The risk of meeting an acquaintance who will declassify your field of activity is virtually nil
Interesting places, new experiences
Minuses of working as an escort abroad
It's not uncommon for your clients to be men with a foreign mentality
The need to understand the legislation governing "professional" issues
Language barrier.
Let's just say. The last two disadvantages are basically correctable. Working in any of the countries from a reputable escort agency, you can count on counselling support - you will be told how the escort is positioned in a particular territory, what to take into account to fully protect yourself. So, for example, in Asian countries this profession is not welcome and you need to be as careful as possible. In Europe, everything is simpler, but no one can cancel the rules and laws, otherwise you may face deportation.
The language issue is solved - you learn it in your spare time. Given the language environment, you can make progress in 3-4 months.
Which escort should you choose?
Analyse the pros and cons of each option to make a comfortable choice for yourself. Work, including escort work, should bring financial and moral satisfaction. If you do not want to shake with fear of meeting an acquaintance - go abroad. If you are worried that moving is associated with the need to drop out of school - start working in Russia, and later you can adjust your plans.